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December 1, 2020
Circle of Life
January 13, 2021World Neighbors Names New Trustees

OKLAHOMA CITY (Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021) – World Neighbors, an Oklahoma City-based international development organization that strives to eliminate hunger, poverty and disease through sustainable, community-centered solutions, today announced the addition of Anita Kendrick, Michael Merrigan and Ujjwal Pradhan to its Board of Trustees.
“These outstanding additions to our Board further strengthen our team as we expand our work and deepen collaboration with communities, donors and partner organizations,” said Dr. Kate Schecter, President and CEO of World Neighbors. “We are honored to have their commitment and ideas as we help communities lift themselves from poverty and enhance their resilience to a changing climate.”
Anita Kendrick is an independent consultant with more than 25 years of experience working on community livelihoods and environmental governance in a range of contexts across South and Southeast Asia. Kendrick has expertise in climate change, natural resources management and post-disaster recovery programs working for organizations including the World Bank, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Ford Foundation, CARE, Save the Children and other leading international development organizations.
Kendrick is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma and has an M.S. in Development Sociology from Cornell University.
Michael F. Merrigan joins the Board of Trustees after a distinguished career with American Airlines and the U.S. Transportation Security Administration, where he served in management, organizational development and various human resources positions. He has extensive experience facilitating interest-based interpersonal collaboration among communities, multicultural and inter-professional stakeholders. Merrigan has contributed to community-based participatory engagement, change management and leadership development practice activities at the Boston University School of Public Health.
He has travelled to Haiti to see World Neighbors’ work and brings his expertise in staff and organizational management to the Board.
Merrigan received an M.Ed. from Cambridge College.
Ujjwal Pradhan has extensive experience leading programs and research in Asia focusing on community-based natural resources management and the environment. He is currently Chief of Party for a USAID supported project on sustainable forest management and livelihoods in India. Other previously held positions include Southeast Asia Regional Coordinator for the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), Program Officer for the Ford Foundation in India and Indonesia and Head of the Nepal country program of the International Water Management Institute.
Pradhan holds a Ph.D. in Development Sociology from Cornell University.
Kendrick, Merrigan and Pradhan join Board Chair Susan Chambers, M.D. and other accomplished individuals dedicated to sustainable development.
World Neighbors
Founded in 1951 by Dr. John L. Peters, World Neighbors works with people who are struggling to survive in some of the poorest places on earth. Instead of short-term aid, World Neighbors creates change that lasts by working alongside villagers, helping them first to identify their critical needs and then to become their own problem solvers. Its mission is to inspire people and strengthen communities to find lasting solutions to hunger, poverty and disease and to promote a healthy environment.
During its 69 years of operation, World Neighbors has transformed the lives of more than 28 million people in 45 countries. Currently, around 550,000 people in 13 countries benefit from World Neighbors’ programs each year. Visit www.wn.org for more information.