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October 7, 2022Agroecology: Our Land is Our Life
October 25, 2022My Food is African: Healthy Soil, Safe Foods and Diverse Diets

World Neighbors is a member of the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA). Their most recent publication, “My Food is African“, invites readers on a “journey through the farms, gardens, local markets and kitchens of Africa to learn about unique, delicious and healthy foods and cultures.”
“Sustainable and innovative family farming is the only way for people in Africa to ensure food security, nutritious diets, economic autonomy and improved standards of living,” said Dr. Chris Macoloo, Chair of the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa and Regional Director for East Africa at World Neighbors. “This new book provides concrete examples of farmers who have raised output and productivity and built thriving businesses that meet the needs of their families and communities.”
“The AFSA is a broad-based alliance of different civil society actors that are part of the struggle for food sovereignty and agroecology in Africa. These include African farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk organizations, indigenous peoples’ networks, faith-based institutions, youth and women networks, African indigenous NGO networks, consumer movements in Africa, international organizations which support the stance of AFSA, and individuals. It is a network of networks and currently with 40 active members. It is the biggest civil society movement in Africa and members work in 50 of the 55 African countries.”