Jeet Bahadur: A Lead Farmer in Dolkha District, Nepal
June 2, 2017
World Neighbors-supported farmers prosper despite extreme weather patterns
June 2, 2017Pelagia Mendoza Sicha, Peru

Pelagia Mendoza Sicha, from Peru, was engaged in various agricultural activities, including raising dairy cows. The raising of cattle for milk production was producing discouraging results because production and maintenance costs were very high. She could only produce enough for her family with hardly any surplus for sale in the local market. The need for technical and economic support led Pelagia to ask for credit from the Cooperative Los Chankas. With that money, she exchanged her cattle for more productive Jersey and Brown Swiss cows (one of each). Through these cows and technical assistance from the Cooperative she improved production of milk beyond self-consumption. Now she has eight highly productive cows and a satisfying small business selling the milk to local buyers. Pelagia is now seeking to increase the size of her pasture lands, to have better cowsheds and maintain the health of her animals, and to buy more good quality cattle. Pelagia is aware that her financial state is improving, but that she has to continue working to improve it even more. She wants to learn more, so she and her children always participate in training, and request more loans to continue improving her cattle. Pelagia says: “I count on the support of my business partners, the cooperative, World Neighbors, my children and my community. I’m not alone. Some time ago I was on my own, frightened and timid but now I feel supported so I think I can take more risks and build for a better life.”